É assim que você se torna proprietário de uma Casa Modular NorgesHus

NorgesHus Modular Houses Assembly

A personal conversation is the first step for further planning – we would like to get to know you and your needs better.

Detailed Planning
A shared understanding is the foundation for the optimal size, layout, and furnishings of your future NorgesHus Modular House. We aim to incorporate as many of your wishes as possible under one ‘roof.’ The location and your plot of land also play a crucial role in this process.

You will receive an offer from us as a NorgesHus Factory Package House. Once we have reached an agreement and this process is complete, the submission of the building plans will follow.

We safely manufacture your dream NorgesHus Modular House in our factory halls, protected from the elements. All specified details are meticulously executed step by step according to the plan. You are welcome to take a look inside during this phase.

An articulated lorry delivers your dream house to the location virtually overnight.

Using a mobile crane, the modules are carefully detached and assembled on the screw or strip foundations, and the house is put together within a matter of hours.

When everything is ready, the handover takes place. It’s only then that you truly experience what modern living is all about – complete comfort. Even after the handover, we are always here to support you with advice and assistance.

Your Advantage:
Since we plan and build each house individually,
all your wishes can be taken into account!
No matter what floor plan, size, room layout, number of floors, or amenities you imagine.
We make it possible.
“There’s no such thing as impossible!”

“We build for your well-being!”